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Why Goals Are the Secret to PPC Success

If you want to be as successful as you possibly can be at PPC, then the most important thing to pay attention to is data. The more data you collect, the more precise and efficient you can be with the way you spend money and the more guaranteed your ROI will be. And the very best way to collect data? That would be to use goals. Let’s rewind a little and look at what those are and why they matter

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How to set up great PPC campaigns

As you can see then, PPC works a little bit different from ‘traditional’ advertising in magazines and on TV. You are no longer paying for a single advert and nor are you paying for exposure. Instead, you are paying directly for clicks and that means you need to think about things a little differently. The first concept to make sure you understand, is that your aim is not necessarily to get as many clicks as possible. Traditional advertising campaigns will

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Content Marketing – How important is your content?

Content, it’s one of the most important areas in marketing. Aside from your company name and your logo. Visually your company is represented by the content you put out. Thus, it is fundamental that you are consistently releasing high quality content. High quality content is not just great images. Well, it partly is, but these images need to tell a story which will perfectly represent your brand and the message you want to portray. There is nothing worse that irrelevant

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Top 5 Best Free SEO Tools for 2019

First of all, Happy New Year to everybody. We are going to make an effort to keep our blog more active this year and to keep posting case studies, tips, news and special offers. It will certainly help our Search engine optimisation! You know what else will help?🤔 The 5 tools we are going to share with you below: 1. Wikipedia – www.wikipedia.comKeyword Brainstorming Wikipedia is a great tool for keyword research as it helps you to think laterally about your keyword.

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The Best Places to Work if You Work Online

If you work online, then you have the freedom to be physically located anywhere in the world and to still earn an income. This is an amazing freedom that so few people are afforded, and it’s one of the top reasons that many of us are attracted to the notion of working online in the first place. It’s a minor tragedy then, that so many people who manage to make their income online, will not take full advantage of this.

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How Working Online Will Change You

Lots of articles have been written about the kind of person who becomes a blogger or an SEO, and the ways that you can make yourself better at blogging or running a website. What is less often discussed however, is how working online can actually change who you are as a person and influence your personal development. There are many ways that this can happen and a number of common effects that blogging can have on your personality and your

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